Will New Construction Save the Day? – March Real Estate Stats

Montrose Market    Buyers in the Montrose market continue to snatch up new homes at a rapid pace despite record low inventories and record-high prices. Supply and demand are still the fundamentals at play in this historically unprecedented housing market. Several factors are motivating buyers to buy now rather than wait. One: buyers are realizing […]

A Future Balance in the Force? – February Real Estate Stats

Montrose Market    The Montrose real estate market is still peaking with record prices and little inventory. Homes available for sale are now below the 50-unit mark for the first time. Currently, there are only 7 homes available with 3-bed, 2-bath minimum under $400K. Traditionally, the winter is slow for the Montrose real estate market, […]

Is Costco Coming to Montrose? – January Real Estate Stats

Montrose Market – Year-End Recap for 2021  The Montrose real estate market has experienced its best year since the mid-2000s. Overall, 2021 was just a continuation of summer 2020. Buyers fled coastal states and the Front Range to rural towns including Western Colorado. Montrose just happens to be a prime destination for those looking […]

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