Why Is Inventory Down, But Sales Up? – August Real Estate Stats

Montrose Market The Montrose real estate market is strong and in full summer swing. Though rumors circulate about the local and national markets slowing, the data for Montrose points to an extremely strong housing market. Total homes sold, from January 1 – July 31, are up a staggering 30% relative to the same period last […]

Rumors of Softening? – July Real Estate Stats

Montrose Market The Montrose real estate market is still as hot as the scorching heatwave experienced over the last 4 weeks. With that said, this month’s numbers are showing a slight decline in price activity in the lower and middle price brackets. The list-to-sale price for the month of May was 105% of asking price. […]

True Confessions of a Real Estate Agent – Atha Team Blog

As an established real estate team in Montrose, we often run into unique situations that require out-of-the-box thinking and make for memorable transactions. While these true stories are often unbelievable, they certainly keep things interesting! Here are just a few honorable mentions from our real estate memories: Back in the Montrose foreclosure boom of 2010, […]

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