Thankful in 2020

Montrose Co Real Estate

Thanksgiving Food - Atha Team BlogLet’s face it, 2020 has been one big ongoing question mark we still haven’t found the answer to. While for some, thankfulness is not even on their radar, we owe it to ourselves and our families to find something to be thankful for. Sure, we’re all looking forward to entering a blissfully long weekend of relaxation and food comas, but Thanksgiving is about much more than mouth-watering cooking.

First of all, we can be thankful for time. Even if you have found yourself out of a job in this difficult year, you have precious time to spend with your loved ones. While it may not be feasible to have that time face to face with your friends and family, get creative! My family is improvising by packing up food in disposable containers for extended family members to pick up on the front porch, then sharing the same meal together virtually in an effort to make meaningful connections and memories. While there is no substitute for those family bear hugs, you can make the best of things by getting creative and making memories you can tell your grandchildren about one day.

For some who dread the time-consuming prep work and intense cooking schedule to make a picture-perfect Thanksgiving feast, maybe this year you can find thankfulness in something new. One year when we were traveling over the holidays, the thought of trying to cook a turkey in a VRBO home with less than stellar cookware was overwhelming, so we splurged and had a crab and lobster feast with drool-worthy garlic butter dip and mashed potatoes. It was the best decision, and we still try to substitute one holiday meal each year with steak and lobster or something equally delectable.

Thanksgiving Outdoor Activities in the Fall - Atha Team BlogIf you’re in a warmer climate, try an outdoor feast of pre-served plates and socially distanced tables. Just because larger indoor gatherings may not be doable for you doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to get together safely. In colder weather like we’re seeing in Colorado this Thanksgiving, make a new tradition of a family game or sledding that can give you an activity to work off that extra slice of pie you will likely indulge in. If you are feeling especially low, make a meal or a special gift and give it away to make someone else’s Thanksgiving a special one. There is something about giving that can do more for the giver than the receiver.

Most of all, it is time to enter a new season of gratitude that lasts for more than a day. Despite election uncertainty and virus happenings, we are alive! We live in a free country where we have so many more freedoms than most. We are loved and cherished by friends and family. The privilege of a roof over our heads and a warm bed at night is not something to take for granted. Regardless of the difficulties of this year, choose joy! Let peace rule in your hearts and be thankful in all circumstances.

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Atha Team - Keller Williams Colorado West Realty LLC - Montrose, Ouray Ridgway

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